APPOINTMENT3 Signs It’s Time for the First Pet Dental Cleaning
3 Signs It’s Time for the First Pet Dental Cleaning Every pet is different, and so is the time frame in which they need their teeth cleaned. However, here are three signs that mean your four-legged friend would benefit from a professional pet dental cleaning. #1: Your...
3 Stress-Free Senior Pet Exercises
3 Easy Low-Impact Exercises for Senior Pets As your furry pal grows older, regular exercise is critical to help them maintain healthy muscle mass and body condition. However, the same activities your pet enjoyed when they were younger can create too much stress...
Does My Dog Have the Flu?
My Dog Is Coughing: Do They Have the Flu? Cough, cough, cough. Hearing your pooch sound like they’re hacking up a lung not long after you had the flu may make you wonder if they contracted your illness. While your dog certainly can become sick with a...
5 Holiday Hazards That Can Harm Your Pet
5 Holiday Hazards That Can Harm Your Pet As the year draws to a close, holiday celebrations are still in full swing. But the additional activity and stress present the perfect opportunity for your pet to get into trouble, so keep an eye out for the following holiday...
How to Keep Your Cat Healthy
How to Keep Your Cat Healthy Although cats may seem as if they are largely self-sufficient and require little care, especially compared to their canine counterparts, realistically, they need just as much specialized attention to remain happy and healthy. To keep your...
How to Prepare a Pet-Safe Thanksgiving Feast
How to Prepare a Pet-Safe Thanksgiving Feast An overloaded table filled with your favorite dishes is one of Thanksgiving’s highlights. While you are drooling over a heaping plate, so is your pet. However, many popular Thanksgiving foods are dangerous for pets. Let...
Lumps and Bumps in Pets: When You Should Be Concerned
Lumps and Bumps in Pets: When You Should Be Concerned November is National Pet Cancer Awareness Month, and since approximately 1 in 4 pets will develop cancer at some stage in their life, it is essential to know how to spot potential warning signs. This month, our...
How to Keep Your Pet Safe Inside and Outside Your Home
How to Keep Your Pet Safe Inside and Outside Your Home Your pet’s sense of curiosity and smell can land them in a heap of trouble if you don’t take precautions. In honor of National Animal Safety and Protection Month, our team shares tips on how to keep your furry pal...
How to Evaluate Your Pet’s Body Condition Score
How to Evaluate Your Pet’s Body Condition Score National Pet Obesity Awareness Day falls on October 12, but you should pay attention to your pet’s weight all year long. More than half of the nation’s cats and dogs are considered overweight or obese, which can lead to...
3 Back-to-School Transition Tips for Your Pet
3 Back-to-School Transition Tips for Your Pet Making the switch from summer to school can be rough for all family members, four-legged ones included. To help make the back-to-school transition easier—for your pet, at least—give the following tips a try. #1: Set...

We proudly serve the pets of Nokomis, FL, and the surrounding communities.
There is no question too big or too small. If you need anything at all for your pet, please use the information below to contact us immediately.

Download our app and connect with us on PetDesk!
Keeping up with your pet’s health from your mobile device has never been easier! With our new app, you’ll have all of your pet’s health information in the palm of your hand. Plus, you’ll be able to communicate with us much easier. You’ll be able to:
- Request appointments 24/7
- Receive automatic reminders
- Save notes, pics, and much more
- Your pet’s free organizer app
Have questions about our new app? Our contact information can be found at the bottom of this page!
Phone: 941-485-1555
Email: wecare4pets@brandtvetclinic.com
Mon - Fri: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Sat & Sun: Closed
Nokomis, FL, 34275
Have a question?
Get in touch! Complete the form below, and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly. If you're in need of immediate assistance, please contact us at 941-485-1555.