APPOINTMENTHow To Pack a Pet First Aid Kit
How to Pack a Pet First Aid Kit Your furry pal is surrounded by hazards every day. Sometimes, these hazards can cause a life-threatening or fatal condition if not treated quickly enough, which is where pet first aid comes into play. In honor of National Pet...
Common Pet Toxins You Should Be Aware Of
Danger Alert! Common Pet Toxins Household toxins are a common source of pet poisoning, particularly in the kitchen or bathroom. However, potential hazards can lurk everywhere, including in your garage, garden, and cupboards. Brush up on your toxin knowledge...
How to Respect Your Cat’s Unique Nature in 3 Ways
3 Ways to Respect Your Cat On March 28, we celebrate Respect Your Cat Day. While proud felines typically demand our respect and unwavering devotion every day of the year, make it a point to cater to their unique needs on their noteworthy holiday. Try the...
Celebrate a Lovely Valentine’s Day With Your Pet
4 Ways to Show How Much You Love Your Pet on Valentine’s Day As February 14th approaches, you may be thinking of ways to show your sweetheart how much you love them. With the following suggestions, you can also include your four-legged friend in this holiday’s...
Why Dental X-Rays Are Important for Pet Oral Health
The “Tooth” of the Matter: Why Dental X-Rays Are Important for Pet Oral Health When it comes to your pet’s oral health, we want the full picture of what is happening above and below the gumline. There is no better way to determine the extent of periodontal...
Make Pet Dental Care a Priority in 2022
4 Reasons Why Pet Dental Care Should Be on Every Pet Owner’s New Year’s Resolutions List You know dental care is important for your furry pal, but did you know it’s so important? We think it should be on every pet owner’s New Year’s resolutions list. If regular...
5 New Year’s Resolutions You Should Make For Your Pet
5 New Year’s Resolutions That Can Change Your Pet’s Life The start of a new year has always been a time to improve your life. This year, ensure you also include your pet in that focus. Here are five New Year’s resolutions to add to your list that are guaranteed...
5 Ways to Celebrate National Cat Lovers Month
5 Fantastic Ways to Celebrate National Cat Lovers Month Cats are truly wonderful creatures, and to highlight their remarkable personalities, an entire month has been devoted to them. December is National Cat Lovers Month, and although it seems as if the focus...
4 Easy DIY Holiday Pet Toys
4 DIY Holiday Toys for Your Pet Pets are wonderful gift recipients. They appreciate anything you give them, regardless of how much time or money you spend. Plus, you don’t have to be extraordinarily crafty to create homemade gifts your furry pal will enjoy....
Is My Pet at Risk for Diabetes?
November is National Pet Diabetes Month, and with an estimated one in 300 dogs and one in 200 cats developing the disease during their lifetime, it’s important for pet owners to recognize the risk factors and signs. What factors put my pet at risk for...

We proudly serve the pets of Nokomis, FL, and the surrounding communities.
There is no question too big or too small. If you need anything at all for your pet, please use the information below to contact us immediately.

Download our app and connect with us on PetDesk!
Keeping up with your pet’s health from your mobile device has never been easier! With our new app, you’ll have all of your pet’s health information in the palm of your hand. Plus, you’ll be able to communicate with us much easier. You’ll be able to:
- Request appointments 24/7
- Receive automatic reminders
- Save notes, pics, and much more
- Your pet’s free organizer app
Have questions about our new app? Our contact information can be found at the bottom of this page!
Phone: 941-485-1555
Email: wecare4pets@brandtvetclinic.com
Mon - Fri: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Sat & Sun: Closed
Nokomis, FL, 34275
Have a question?
Get in touch! Complete the form below, and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly. If you're in need of immediate assistance, please contact us at 941-485-1555.