APPOINTMENTHow to Help Desensitize Your Pet to Fireworks
Your local fireworks show will roll around soon, and you may not have prepared your pet for the heart-stopping display. If last year’s July Fourth festivities turned your poor pet into a quivering wreck of anxiety and fear, avoid a repeat, and begin desensitizing your...
How to Tell It’s Time to Let Your Pet Go
Realizing your pet has reached the end of their lifespan is incredibly difficult, and it's even more challenging to try and determine how to make that decision. Although you may not think you can tell when it's time to let your pet go, here are a few indicators that...
Do You Think Your Dog Has Anxiety?
You can tell when your pup is happy, but what about when they’re anxious? In honor of Dog Anxiety Awareness Week—May 2 to 8—our team is committed to helping you learn how to spot potential anxiety signs in your dog so you can help them get the support they need. ...
Myths About Pet Heartworm Disease
It's National Heartworm Awareness Month! In honor of this, our team is debunking common heartworm myths to help pet owners understand the importance of year-round prevention. Heartworm disease can seem like a confusing topic, but we're here to help. Myth: I’ll know if...
5 Garden Toxins You Should Know
It's March, and with spring coming up, many of us will be heading outside to get our yards into tip-top shape. If your furry friends spend time in the yard, too, beware of some of the common outdoor items that could be toxic. Pesticides and insecticides — Watch for...
Reasons Why Your Dog Licks Their Paws
Have you ever wondered why your dog licks their paws? Many pet owners become frustrated by their pet's paw-licking and want their dogs to stop. It is important to discover the underlying cause, so you can treat and cure the problem. Here are three of the most common...
Buckle Up! Car Travel Safety Tips for Pets
When taking a vacation or a road trip, you may want to include your pet in the fun and excitement. But, before heading out on your trip, ensure you prepare your pet for travel with the following tips from our team here at Brandt Veterinary Clinic. #1: Keep your pet...
What Happens During My Pet’s Spay?
Although you know you should spay your female pet to prevent a host of medical and behavior issues, as well as unwanted puppies, you may not know what exactly happens during a spay surgery. Since World Spay Day—February 23—is approaching, let’s explain the procedure,...
Knowing the Signs of Cognitive Dysfunction in Pets
As our furry friends age, they can begin to experience mental decline. However, with early intervention, it is possible to help keep a pet's mind sharp through their senior years. We at Brandt Veterinary Clinic want to help pet owners understand the unique needs that...
Lyme Disease in Dogs: What You Need to Know
Summer is in full swing and that means lots of time outdoors with your family! You and your loved ones (including your furry family members) are at increased risk of coming into contact with ticks and being exposed to all the nastiness that accompanies them, including...

We proudly serve the pets of Nokomis, FL, and the surrounding communities.
There is no question too big or too small. If you need anything at all for your pet, please use the information below to contact us immediately.

Download our app and connect with us on PetDesk!
Keeping up with your pet’s health from your mobile device has never been easier! With our new app, you’ll have all of your pet’s health information in the palm of your hand. Plus, you’ll be able to communicate with us much easier. You’ll be able to:
- Request appointments 24/7
- Receive automatic reminders
- Save notes, pics, and much more
- Your pet’s free organizer app
Have questions about our new app? Our contact information can be found at the bottom of this page!
Phone: 941-485-1555
Email: wecare4pets@brandtvetclinic.com
Mon - Fri: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Sat & Sun: Closed
Nokomis, FL, 34275
Have a question?
Get in touch! Complete the form below, and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly. If you're in need of immediate assistance, please contact us at 941-485-1555.